Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Steps in my minimalist journey

I'm slowly trying to declutter my life.  Trying to get rid of the items, physical and metaphorical, that are standing in the way of the life that I want.

This will be a diary of my accomplishments, and perhaps, it will give me some added incentive to stay on my journey.

As a first step, I'm trying to make sure I always take something out of my apartment whenever I leave it.  It may be garbage, recycling, donations for Goodwill, something to send to a friend or family member… anything I can get rid of.  Figuring that I get out of the apartment at least twice a day, I think it will add up quickly.

Today I took out an empty box and my garbage on the way to work.  When I got home, I took two bags of books (35 books total) over to Goodwill.  Nothing huge, but it all adds up.

I have a stack of art books that I'm planning to send to an artist friend (he makes wonderful collages out of such things).  I'll probably take those into work tomorrow and mail them out.

Going along with this step is the need to prepare things to leave the apartment.  I've been putting together some bags of items at night before bed.  That way I have something easy to grab in the morning, and one or two things on hand for when I get home.

Nothing profound.  Nothing difficult.  But as they say, little strokes fell great oaks.

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